Monday, September 17, 2007


ATTENTION; The link above is a little bit heavy. It may take time to see the site.

A new nespresso machine debuts recently in France or somewhere else.
By using the Lattissima, just pushing a button makes a cup of cuppuccino.
It has a milk container, and you can keep this in a fridge.
So you don't have to care for milk much.

I love espresso because I love cuppuccino.
But it takes a little longer time to make a cup of cuppuccino.
So I rarely make a cup of cuppuccino.

If it makes it easier, I can enjoy a life with cuppuccino with quite little effort.
So I'm longing to wait for their selling this machine in Japan.


Anonymous said...


harahe said...


harahe said...

Lattissima will be out in the middle of September 2008.